Teddy, which is centered on a talking teddy bear and its relationship with a police officer, has been directed by Sakthi Soundarajan. Santhakumar returned to direction after eight years with Magamuni, which also featured Mahima Nambiar and Induja in crucial roles.Īrya currently awaits the release of children’s film Teddy, which also stars his wife Sayyeshaa. The film, directed by Santhakumar, saw him play a hitman as well as a pious teacher practicing Brahmacharya. For reasons unknown, the plan didn’t materialize and Ranjith went ahead and roped in Arya, who is one of the fittest actors in Tamil cinema.Īlso read | Saif Ali Khan says he discussed the impact marriage would have on Kareena Kapoor’s career: ‘I think we set an example’Īrya was last seen on screen in Magamuni, in which he played dual roles. This film will shine the spotlight on boxing clubs in North Chennai.Īpparently, Ranjith had originally planned this movie with Suriya. However, latest reports suggest that the movie is a story set in North Chennai, a setting that Pa Ranjith had explored previously in his film Madras, which featured Karthi. The former has publicly admitted that he’s a fan of Ranjith’s work and that he eagerly looks forward to his films. XXXTentacion Biography (Age, Height, Weight, Girlfriend, Family, Career &. It’s worth mentioning that Anurag and Ranjith had met a few months ago in Mumbai. Arya made his debut in the Tamil film Arinthum Ariyamalum in 2005.